<<<<< T2140 >>>>> <<< IVS-T2140 >>> Matthias Schartner(1), Christian Ploetz(2), (1) Technische Universitaet Wien, Austria (2) Geodatisches Observatorium Wettzell, Germany Date of experiment: 2020,Jul,14 Nominal Start Time: 17h30 UT Nominal End Time: 17h30 UT Duration: 24.0 hr Correlator: BONN Participating stations: (16) AGGO Ag CRIMEA Sm DSS13 13 DSS65A 6a FORTLEZA Ft HART15M Ht ISHIOKA Is KOGANEI Kg KUNMING Km NYALES20 Ny OHIGGINS Oh SEJONG Kv WETTZ13N Wn WETTZELL Wz YARRA12M Yg YEBES40M Ys scheduler: Matthias Schartner Contact ======= Matthias Schartner (1) matthias.schartner@geo.tuwien.ac.at +43 (1) 58801 - 128 11 Christian Ploetz (2) christian.ploetz@bkg.bund.de Notes: =========================================================== Purpose ======= General the purpose of the IVS-T2 sessions is to monitor the TRF via monthly sessions. Since April 2004 the purpose of the remaining IVS-T2 sessions has been changed by the IVS OPC (Observing Program Committee). The new plan uses larger networks for each T2 session, say 16 to 24 stations, but have fewer T2 sessions during the year. The larger network should provide a stronger solution and better TRF results, even if there are fewer sessions each year. The TRF determine from single session solutions or from a global solution is very important IVS product because this is an essential part for creating the ITRF by corresponding IERS Product Center. A particular strength of VLBI is its contribution to the scale of the ITRF. Usually the TRF is computed from the 24h sessions that are dedicated to observing the EOP. Network ======= The standard configuration of the monthly observed IVS-T2 experiments consists of sixteen and more stations. All stations differ in some extent between all available IVS geodetic network stations from experiment to experiment. Schedule ======== This schedule was generated by the last updated VieSched++ version using the EUR-SX band and the 64-16(EU-T2) EURSX-C-4 frequency setup, depending on which station are available for this observation. Variable scan lengths with a minimum 30 sec. and the most recent source flux models are included. SNR goals are around 20 at X-band and S-band depent on different baselines and stations. Station down times: OHIGGINS 2020.07.14 20:39:00 - 2020.07.14 21:00:00 OHIGGINS 2020.07.14 22:12:00 - 2020.07.14 22:37:00 OHIGGINS 2020.07.14 23:46:00 - 2020.07.15 00:10:00 OHIGGINS 2020.07.15 01:21:00 - 2020.07.15 01:42:00 OHIGGINS 2020.07.15 05:57:00 - 2020.07.15 06:18:00 OHIGGINS 2020.07.15 07:29:00 - 2020.07.15 07:52:00 OHIGGINS 2020.07.15 09:02:00 - 2020.07.15 09:27:00 OHIGGINS 2020.07.15 10:38:00 - 2020.07.15 11:00:00 WETTZELL 2020.07.14 18:20:00 - 2020.07.14 19:40:00 Tagalong mode used: none =========================================================== Session Notes for session: T2140 =========================================================== Experiment: T2140 Description: IVS-T2140 Scheduler: VIEN Correlator: BONN Start: 2020-196-17:30:00 End: 2020-197-17:30:00 Current yyyyddd: 2020196 (2020.54) ( 59044 MJD, TUE. 14JUL.) =========================================================== Software: VieSched++ Version: 1ae83b3 GUI: VieSched++ Version: cde98f5 scheduler: Matthias Schartner mail: matthias.schartner@geo.tuwien.ac.at =========================================================== First observations Observation listing from file t2140.skd for experiment T2140 Source Start DURATIONS name yyddd-hhmmss Ag Sm 13 6a Ft Ht Is Kg Km Ny Oh Kv Wn Wz Yg Ys 1749+096 20196-173000| 600 600 618 625 633 616 633 603 625 629 622 613 0648-165 20196-173000| 224 224 0454-234 20196-173454| 283 204 240 283 Last observations 0648-165 20197-171917| 180 180 NRAO150 20197-172455| 51 57 53 57 1424-418 20197-172536| 264 264 161 0059+581 20197-172618| 119 97 34 119 102 83 74 98 104 103 77 0642+449 20197-172834| 86 86 86 86 86 2255-282 20197-172903| 57 57 57 3C418 20197-172909| 51 51 51 =========================================================== Calibrator scans Observation listing from file t2140.skd for experiment T2140 Source Start DURATIONS name yyddd-hhmmss Ag Sm 13 6a Ft Ht Is Kg Km Ny Oh Kv Wn Wz Yg Ys 1749+096 20196-173000| 600 600 618 625 633 616 633 603 625 629 622 613 0716+714 20196-174446| 600 600 619 660 661 664 628 637 638 664 661 632 1751+288 20196-175950| 600 615 636 648 649 629 642 626 648 649 640 633 3C418 20197-165000| 637 660 653 607 600 600 709 700 607 600 709 699 1749+096 20197-170241| 600 616 636 646 647 615 640 624 646 647 637 630 1751+288 20197-171356| 600 608 600 621 600 613 667 670 622 612 655 670 =========================================================== Schedule was created using multi scheduling tool version 1586 weight sky-coverage 0.399377 weight number of observations 0.153065 weight duration 0.311299 weight idle time 0.136258 station weight AGGO: 1.17435 station weight CRIMEA: 1.01752 station weight DSS13: 1.03081 station weight DSS65A: 0.663102 station weight FORTLEZA: 0.907393 station weight HART15M: 0.998657 station weight ISHIOKA: 1.39206 station weight KOGANEI: 0.750581 station weight KUNMING: 1.11844 station weight NYALES20: 1.04292 station weight OHIGGINS: 1.02069 station weight SEJONG: 1.12506 station weight WETTZ13N: 0.535731 station weight WETTZELL: 1.01711 station weight YARRA12M: 1.01009 station weight YEBES40M: 1.19548 =========================================================== Key: Ag=AGGO Sm=CRIMEA 13=DSS13 6a=DSS65A Ft=FORTLEZA Ht=HART15M Is=ISHIOKA Kg=KOGANEI Km=KUNMING Ny=NYALES20 Oh=OHIGGINS Kv=SEJONG Wn=WETTZ13N Wz=WETTZELL Yg=YARRA12M Ys=YEBES40M Ag Sm 13 6a Ft Ht Is Kg Km Ny Oh Kv Wn Wz Yg Ys Avg % obs. time: 59.97 64.25 48.25 41.48 61.43 67.62 75.35 80.08 51.28 67.69 57.75 82.03 76.59 66.99 72.14 65.05 64.87 % cal. time: 1.41 2.05 4.29 4.63 1.83 3.80 5.58 3.87 5.01 4.20 1.24 2.64 5.96 5.76 2.82 4.06 3.70 % slew time: 2.62 30.19 41.32 50.10 26.56 19.94 11.00 11.36 37.58 21.31 7.92 12.60 11.43 16.95 9.49 25.72 21.01 % idle time: 33.55 2.15 3.52 0.99 8.74 6.35 4.70 2.35 3.10 4.26 31.61 1.13 2.42 6.80 13.84 2.72 8.01 % field system: 0.85 1.23 2.58 2.78 1.10 2.28 3.35 2.32 3.01 2.52 0.74 1.58 3.58 3.46 1.69 2.44 2.22 total # scans: 122 179 374 402 159 330 484 336 435 365 119 230 517 501 246 353 322 # scans/hour: 5.08 7.46 15.58 16.75 6.62 13.75 20.17 14.00 18.12 15.21 4.96 9.58 21.54 20.88 10.25 14.71 13.42 total # obs: 288 1376 1385 2069 775 1354 2033 1735 2034 1935 300 1501 2450 2362 938 2061 1537 # obs/hour: 12.00 57.33 57.71 86.21 32.29 56.42 84.71 72.29 84.75 80.62 12.50 62.54 102.08 98.42 39.08 85.88 64.05 Avg scan (sec): 424.71 310.13 111.47 89.16 333.83 177.04 134.51 205.92 101.86 160.23 419.28 308.15 127.99 115.53 253.37 159.22 214.53 # Mk5 tracks: 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 32 16 16 Total TB(M5): 0.79 0.85 0.64 0.55 0.81 0.89 0.99 1.06 0.68 0.89 0.76 1.08 1.01 1.77 0.95 0.86 0.91 # OF OBSERVATIONS BY BASELINE | Ag Sm 13 6a Ft Ht Is Kg Km Ny Oh Kv Wn Wz Yg Ys Total ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ag| 7 49 37 47 36 0 0 0 4 50 0 19 16 1 22 288 Sm| 62 128 55 82 109 107 124 130 10 108 135 127 60 132 1376 13| 140 96 22 145 107 114 139 46 79 129 117 27 113 1385 6a| 87 150 117 103 174 178 38 100 257 244 55 261 2069 Ft| 55 25 24 34 57 31 25 78 71 7 83 775 Ht| 73 66 117 69 39 61 163 157 126 138 1354 Is| 322 263 202 0 214 163 159 119 122 2033 Kg| 187 152 0 206 130 127 94 110 1735 Km| 186 3 166 201 186 132 147 2034 Ny| 3 129 224 223 51 188 1935 Oh| 0 22 21 10 27 300 Kv| 118 112 81 102 1501 Wn| 461 64 286 2450 Wz| 61 280 2362 Yg| 50 938 Ys| 2061 Number of 2-station scans: 476 ( 37.22 %) Number of 3-station scans: 334 ( 26.11 %) Number of 4-station scans: 120 ( 9.38 %) Number of 5-station scans: 79 ( 6.18 %) Number of 6-station scans: 77 ( 6.02 %) Number of 7-station scans: 38 ( 2.97 %) Number of 8-station scans: 27 ( 2.11 %) Number of 9-station scans: 28 ( 2.19 %) Number of 10-station scans: 19 ( 1.49 %) Number of 11-station scans: 35 ( 2.74 %) Number of 12-station scans: 46 ( 3.60 %) Number of 13-station scans: 0 ( 0.00 %) Number of 14-station scans: 0 ( 0.00 %) Number of 15-station scans: 0 ( 0.00 %) Number of 16-station scans: 0 ( 0.00 %) Total number of scans: 1279 Total number of obs: 12298 Total integrated obs-time: 2086546 Average obs-time: 169.7 =========================================================== Recording mode: Mode: 64-16(EU-T2) Freq: EUR2-SX Recording mode for: Ag Sm 13 6a Ft Ht Is Kg Km Ny Oh Kv Wn Yg Ys Tot.Rate Tot.BandW Chan.BW #BBC #bits Tracks 128 Mbit/s 64 MHz 4.00 MHz 14 1 16 Recording mode for: Wz Tot.Rate Tot.BandW Chan.BW #BBC #bits Tracks 256 Mbit/s 64 MHz 4.00 MHz 16 2 32 S-band spanned bw = 80.0 MHz rms spanned bw = 33.1 MHz X-band spanned bw = 360.0 MHz rms spanned bw = 157.2 MHz ================================================================================================================================================ ADDITONAL NOTES FOR SCHEDULER ================================================================================================================================================ number of scheduled observations: 12298 of 12521 -> 223 (1.78 [%]) observations not optimized for SNR #scans #obs --------------------------------- total 1279 12298 --------------------------------- single source 1127 8094 subnetting 152 4204 --------------------------------- standard 235 7437 fillin mode 1038 4465 calibrator 6 396 weight factors: sky coverage: 0.399377 number of observations: 0.153065 duration: 0.311299 weight idle time: 0.136258 idle time interval: 300 sky coverage score (1 means perfect distribution) .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. | | AGGO CRIMEA DSS13 DSS65A FORTLEZA HART15M ISHIOKA KOGANEI KUNMING NYALES20 OHIGGINS SEJONG WETTZ13N WETTZELL YARRA12M YEBES40M | average | |-------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------| | 13 areas @ 30 min | 0.21 0.34 0.52 0.58 0.29 0.46 0.64 0.54 0.57 0.53 0.22 0.41 0.68 0.65 0.37 0.55 | 0.47 | | 25 areas @ 30 min | 0.12 0.20 0.33 0.36 0.16 0.28 0.41 0.33 0.37 0.33 0.12 0.24 0.44 0.43 0.22 0.34 | 0.29 | | 37 areas @ 30 min | 0.08 0.13 0.24 0.26 0.12 0.21 0.30 0.23 0.27 0.24 0.08 0.17 0.33 0.32 0.16 0.25 | 0.21 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 13 areas @ 60 min | 0.34 0.53 0.74 0.78 0.45 0.63 0.80 0.72 0.75 0.72 0.33 0.61 0.83 0.79 0.54 0.73 | 0.64 | | 25 areas @ 60 min | 0.19 0.33 0.52 0.54 0.28 0.44 0.59 0.50 0.56 0.51 0.19 0.40 0.64 0.60 0.34 0.53 | 0.45 | | 37 areas @ 60 min | 0.14 0.24 0.38 0.42 0.20 0.33 0.44 0.38 0.44 0.38 0.14 0.29 0.50 0.48 0.26 0.41 | 0.34 | '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' number of scans per 15 minutes: #scans -> char: 1-9 -> '1'-'9'; 10 -> '0'; 11-36 -> 'A'-'Z'; 37-62 -> 'a'-'z'; 63+ -> '#' .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. | time since session start (1 char equals 15 minutes) | #SCANS #OBS | OBS Time [s] | | STATION |0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 | | sum average | |---------|+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|-------------|----------------| | AGGO|22121113121 2341111112111 311 13 11 332 111111 12111 31111121 2 1211212111221121221221212211 | 122 288 | 51815 424.7 | | CRIMEA|211132331132122412212121221221321113222222122221212313223232131312223231222122212122123222131121| 179 1376 | 55513 310.1 | | DSS13|412443664545646445655445444453355463455343543473652434444122435453433234144465544545424414142223| 374 1385 | 41688 111.5 | | DSS65A|321454563425455546556365565345544365355425354334643456445345344453556354446344353636344634445222| 402 2069 | 35843 89.2 | | FORTLEZA|211221322222211121131212 312311211211212 2131111111221312123331212113112122213112221213113133231| 159 775 | 53079 333.8 | | HART15M|341223414344314412142152125454243336422542563336232623355344342653345143356484633534436442244231| 330 1354 | 58424 177.0 | | ISHIOKA|421266666586746557755555655565654477535586477365565555564754355544655355564374645665545564564333| 484 2033 | 65104 134.5 | | KOGANEI|3212644452646154 7252444435564543256334463165334354425333343123424535252262142223443424444341133| 336 1735 | 69190 205.9 | | KUNMING|322256564554456557555156655415564544544543453555474547444545455553555464564564645555436465455222| 435 2034 | 44309 101.9 | | NYALES20|221246452345533524533444352514244445544354553555553337444354243524333476453173543365233354363322| 365 1935 | 58485 160.2 | | OHIGGINS|32121 121211 431 1211 23111 12111122 121212 11 1121 2111 121121 12112111212222212212132121| 119 300 | 49894 419.3 | | SEJONG|321142234264433226132524122361213114122243111234332324222233222312233222252122222321123132231122| 230 1501 | 70875 308.2 | | WETTZ13N|332164445574465556556577566877646373558722475333685867267767565765867676676684755864557676465333| 517 2450 | 66173 128.0 | | WETTZELL|432 2475655457557587565877756374448734475435685867477766465765766777676685755854456676363333| 501 2362 | 57883 115.5 | | YARRA12M|3411212121243313 23321332525434131 5321463613245245312351223143221332121343131522214323352224122| 246 938 | 62329 253.4 | | YEBES40M|321343541354433423354445453544554153233433254324442724555255164453536354545454444646224333242222| 353 2061 | 56203 159.2 | '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' number of available sources: 336 number of scheduled sources: 75 number of scans per 15 minutes: #scans -> char: 1-9 -> '1'-'9'; 10 -> '0'; 11-36 -> 'A'-'Z'; 37-62 -> 'a'-'z'; 63+ -> '#' .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. | time since session start (1 char equals 15 minutes) | #SCANS #OBS | OBS Time [s] | | SOURCE |0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 | | sum average | |---------|+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|-------------|----------------| | 0003-066| 1 1 1 11 11 1 | 8 10 | 457 57.1 | | 0016+731| 11 2 1 1 1 1 12 1 11 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 | 24 537 | 6026 251.1 | | 0019+058| 1 1 1 | 3 82 | 994 331.3 | | 0059+581|11 1 21 12 211 1 11 111 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 112 11 11 21 2 1 2 11 11 1 12 1 11 1112 1| 60 573 | 4604 76.7 | | 0104-408| 1 1 1 1 1 | 5 21 | 1624 324.8 | | 0119+115| 1 1 2 2 1 1 31 1 2 2 1 111 21 1 | 25 188 | 3910 156.4 | | 0133+476| 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 1 1 1 1 | 13 97 | 1260 96.9 | | 0202+319| 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 | 16 527 | 6283 392.7 | | 0229+131| 1 1 1 1 1 1 | 6 58 | 750 125.0 | | NRAO150| 1 1 13 121 21 311 2 2 2 112 111 21211 2 1 21 1 111 1 1 11 11 1 12 1 11 1 1| 63 119 | 3552 56.4 | | 0402-362| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 | 9 27 | 2129 236.6 | | 0405-385| 11 1 1 1 1 1 | 7 14 | 772 110.3 | | 0420+022| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 | 10 35 | 1075 107.5 | | 0420-014| 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | 13 225 | 3417 262.8 | | 0422-380| 1 1 1 1 1 | 5 13 | 2938 587.6 | | 0454-234|11 11 1 2 11 1 13 1 2 1 132 1 2 2 11 1 1 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1111 11 1 11 1 | 55 375 | 10602 192.8 | | 0458-020| 2 1 11 11111 1 1 11 12 1 1 2 1 1 1 11 11 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 | 39 324 | 6645 170.4 | | 0529+483| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | 8 128 | 2073 259.1 | | 0537-441| 1 1 1 1 1 1 | 6 23 | 1756 292.7 | | 0552+398| 1 11 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 12 1 12 1 11 1 1 1 13 | 33 151 | 2826 85.6 | | 0642+449| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1| 8 37 | 489 61.1 | | 0648-165|1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1| 19 77 | 2275 119.7 | | 0716+714|1 1 2 22 11 11 111 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 | 31 901 | 8617 278.0 | | 0727-115| 1 11 11 1 1 1 1 11 1 11 111121111 111 1111111 2 2 11 1 111 1 2 2 1 11 1 1 1 | 55 416 | 13345 242.6 | | 0748+126| 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 | 16 286 | 4201 262.6 | | 0814+425| 2 1 1 12 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | 22 496 | 4188 190.4 | | 0823+033| 1 1 11 2 | 6 36 | 559 93.2 | | 0834-201| 1 1 1 1 1 | 5 10 | 1948 389.6 | | OJ287|1 1 11 1 1 1111 2 12 2 11 2 1211 11 31 1 2 211 2 1 111 1 2 1223 11 11 1 11 1 1 | 65 272 | 6535 100.5 | | 0920-397| 11 1 1 | 4 5 | 1185 296.2 | | 0955+476| 1 1 1 1 11 2 1 1 1 11 11 1 1 | 17 191 | 2092 123.1 | | 1039+811| 1 1 1 1 2 1 | 7 9 | 496 70.9 | | 1040+244| 1 1 1 | 3 68 | 1729 576.3 | | 1057-797| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | 7 12 | 4452 636.0 | | 1104-445| 1 1 | 2 4 | 118 59.0 | | 1124-186| 1 1 1 1 2 1 11 | 9 20 | 739 82.1 | | 1128+385| 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 | 19 133 | 1885 99.2 | | 1144+402| 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | 28 395 | 3348 119.6 | | 1149-084| 1 1 2 1 1 11 1 | 9 73 | 1185 131.7 | | 1244-255| 11 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 | 15 58 | 2348 156.5 | | 1255-316| 11 1 1 1 1 1 | 7 14 | 773 110.4 | | 1334-127| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | 22 169 | 5387 244.9 | | 1351-018| 1 1 1 1 11 | 6 29 | 683 113.8 | | 1406-076| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 | 11 116 | 2278 207.1 | | 1417+385| 2 1 1 1 1 1 | 7 277 | 3802 543.1 | | 1424-418|1 1 1 1 1 1| 6 11 | 942 157.0 | | 1451-375| 1 1 1 | 3 5 | 1202 400.7 | | 1546+027| 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 21 1 1 1 1 | 22 315 | 3465 157.5 | | 1606+106| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | 8 142 | 3272 409.0 | | NRAO512| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | 14 246 | 4464 318.9 | | 1639-062| 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 | 8 40 | 1294 161.8 | | 1657-261| 1 1 1 1 1 1 | 6 11 | 883 147.2 | | 1726+455| 1 1 1 | 3 30 | 359 119.7 | | 1741-038|1 111 1 211 1 1111 1111 2 211 1 1 1 1 2 11 1 2 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 121 1 | 49 239 | 6350 129.6 | | 1749+096|1 1 2 1 11 11 1 1 11111 2 22 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 2 12 1 11 | 42 424 | 6237 148.5 | | 1751+288| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | 8 181 | 2628 328.5 | | 1803+784| 111 1 111111 21 11 111 11 1 1 1 1 21 1 1 11 11 1111 111 12 21 2111 11 1 1 1 | 56 786 | 6356 113.5 | | 3C371| 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 | 24 590 | 5655 235.6 | | 1849+670| 1 1 1 1 1 | 5 11 | 344 68.8 | | 1908-201| 1 1 11 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 11 2 | 16 55 | 2637 164.8 | | 1921-293| 1 11 111 11 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 | 23 85 | 8796 382.4 | | 1923+210| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | 7 18 | 491 70.1 | | 1936-155| 1 1 1 1 1 | 5 25 | 1017 203.4 | | 1958-179| 1 1 1 | 3 20 | 1006 335.3 | | 2000+472| 1 1 1 11 1 1 2 1 11 1 1 2 | 16 110 | 1654 103.4 | | 2008-159| 1 11 1 1 1 1 | 7 54 | 1685 240.7 | | 3C418| 1 112 11 112 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 11 11 2 1 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 211 1 1 1 1 1 121 1| 50 543 | 4843 96.9 | | 2052-474| 2 1 1 1 1 | 6 8 | 1376 229.3 | | 2113+293| 11 1 1 1 111 1 1 1 1 | 12 199 | 3155 262.9 | | 2215+150| 1 1 1 1 1 | 5 97 | 1600 320.0 | | 3C446| 1 1 1 1 2 1 11 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | 18 168 | 4646 258.1 | | 2227-088| 1 1 1 11111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | 15 133 | 2233 148.9 | | 2255-282| 11 1 111 1 11 1 12 111 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1| 27 75 | 5045 186.9 | | 2318+049| 1 1 | 2 4 | 290 145.0 | | 2355-106| 1 1 1 1 1 | 5 42 | 2585 517.0 | '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' Summary of observing mode(s): band S mean frequency 2254.657 [MHz] band X mean frequency 8381.990 [MHz] observing mode: 64-16(EU-T2): band: S recording rate 48.00 [Mbit/s] with efficiency factor 0.6175: (120) Ag-Sm Ag-13 Ag-6a Ag-Ft Ag-Ht Ag-Is Ag-Kg Ag-Km Ag-Ny Ag-Oh Ag-Kv Ag-Wn Ag-Wz Ag-Yg Ag-Ys Sm-13 Sm-6a Sm-Ft Sm-Ht Sm-Is Sm-Kg Sm-Km Sm-Ny Sm-Oh Sm-Kv Sm-Wn Sm-Wz Sm-Yg Sm-Ys 13-6a 13-Ft 13-Ht 13-Is 13-Kg 13-Km 13-Ny 13-Oh 13-Kv 13-Wn 13-Wz 13-Yg 13-Ys 6a-Ft 6a-Ht 6a-Is 6a-Kg 6a-Km 6a-Ny 6a-Oh 6a-Kv 6a-Wn 6a-Wz 6a-Yg 6a-Ys Ft-Ht Ft-Is Ft-Kg Ft-Km Ft-Ny Ft-Oh Ft-Kv Ft-Wn Ft-Wz Ft-Yg Ft-Ys Ht-Is Ht-Kg Ht-Km Ht-Ny Ht-Oh Ht-Kv Ht-Wn Ht-Wz Ht-Yg Ht-Ys Is-Kg Is-Km Is-Ny Is-Oh Is-Kv Is-Wn Is-Wz Is-Yg Is-Ys Kg-Km Kg-Ny Kg-Oh Kg-Kv Kg-Wn Kg-Wz Kg-Yg Kg-Ys Km-Ny Km-Oh Km-Kv Km-Wn Km-Wz Km-Yg Km-Ys Ny-Oh Ny-Kv Ny-Wn Ny-Wz Ny-Yg Ny-Ys Oh-Kv Oh-Wn Oh-Wz Oh-Yg Oh-Ys Kv-Wn Kv-Wz Kv-Yg Kv-Ys Wn-Wz Wn-Yg Wn-Ys Wz-Yg Wz-Ys Yg-Ys band: X recording rate 80.00 [Mbit/s] with efficiency factor 0.6175: (120) Ag-Sm Ag-13 Ag-6a Ag-Ft Ag-Ht Ag-Is Ag-Kg Ag-Km Ag-Ny Ag-Oh Ag-Kv Ag-Wn Ag-Wz Ag-Yg Ag-Ys Sm-13 Sm-6a Sm-Ft Sm-Ht Sm-Is Sm-Kg Sm-Km Sm-Ny Sm-Oh Sm-Kv Sm-Wn Sm-Wz Sm-Yg Sm-Ys 13-6a 13-Ft 13-Ht 13-Is 13-Kg 13-Km 13-Ny 13-Oh 13-Kv 13-Wn 13-Wz 13-Yg 13-Ys 6a-Ft 6a-Ht 6a-Is 6a-Kg 6a-Km 6a-Ny 6a-Oh 6a-Kv 6a-Wn 6a-Wz 6a-Yg 6a-Ys Ft-Ht Ft-Is Ft-Kg Ft-Km Ft-Ny Ft-Oh Ft-Kv Ft-Wn Ft-Wz Ft-Yg Ft-Ys Ht-Is Ht-Kg Ht-Km Ht-Ny Ht-Oh Ht-Kv Ht-Wn Ht-Wz Ht-Yg Ht-Ys Is-Kg Is-Km Is-Ny Is-Oh Is-Kv Is-Wn Is-Wz Is-Yg Is-Ys Kg-Km Kg-Ny Kg-Oh Kg-Kv Kg-Wn Kg-Wz Kg-Yg Kg-Ys Km-Ny Km-Oh Km-Kv Km-Wn Km-Wz Km-Yg Km-Ys Ny-Oh Ny-Kv Ny-Wn Ny-Wz Ny-Yg Ny-Ys Oh-Kv Oh-Wn Oh-Wz Oh-Yg Oh-Ys Kv-Wn Kv-Wz Kv-Yg Kv-Ys Wn-Wz Wn-Yg Wn-Ys Wz-Yg Wz-Ys Yg-Ys average theoretical SNR for S-band per baseline: .--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. | STATIONS | AGGO CRIMEA DSS13 DSS65A FORTLEZA HART15M ISHIOKA KOGANEI KUNMING NYALES20 OHIGGINS SEJONG WETTZ13N WETTZELL YARRA12M YEBES40M | AVERAGE | |----------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------| | AGGO | 21.67 34.43 35.10 23.32 25.87 - - - 21.78 19.03 - 26.39 21.85 21.72 21.93 | 26.24 | | CRIMEA | 49.73 83.69 26.45 45.54 31.64 26.88 50.45 38.74 17.56 21.95 57.06 51.64 23.61 44.87 | 44.26 | | DSS13 | 142.46 52.32 52.29 56.84 46.93 82.98 65.23 26.53 35.65 69.56 61.81 40.24 63.26 | 65.81 | | DSS65A | 60.55 100.65 55.94 44.45 107.30 80.26 30.19 36.57 120.56 111.70 42.29 114.28 | 92.60 | | FORTLEZA | 38.35 20.03 18.98 25.64 22.22 19.87 17.31 36.01 31.75 17.88 32.81 | 34.84 | | HART15M | 32.71 26.31 56.48 35.14 24.36 22.10 51.94 47.33 31.18 45.79 | 47.72 | | ISHIOKA | 40.49 58.63 35.26 - 30.51 37.12 33.46 25.34 30.08 | 39.98 | | KOGANEI | 47.49 28.47 - 25.79 30.04 26.79 21.55 24.53 | 33.58 | | KUNMING | 55.87 24.97 38.46 61.06 56.82 41.57 48.45 | 58.25 | | NYALES20 | 18.17 23.38 49.49 44.21 22.64 40.58 | 44.86 | | OHIGGINS | - 20.81 17.72 20.80 17.66 | 22.35 | | SEJONG | 24.17 21.72 18.70 20.18 | 27.13 | | WETTZ13N | 69.90 26.23 59.94 | 60.04 | | WETTZELL | 23.24 53.28 | 55.71 | | YARRA12M | 21.93 | 28.25 | | YEBES40M | | 53.00 | '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' average theoretical SNR for X-band per baseline: .--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. | STATIONS | AGGO CRIMEA DSS13 DSS65A FORTLEZA HART15M ISHIOKA KOGANEI KUNMING NYALES20 OHIGGINS SEJONG WETTZ13N WETTZELL YARRA12M YEBES40M | AVERAGE | |----------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------| | AGGO | 24.00 40.32 42.19 37.91 33.01 - - - 33.46 34.71 - 28.28 35.86 22.07 70.26 | 38.97 | | CRIMEA | 64.77 139.73 43.47 75.61 55.34 36.17 83.58 80.01 36.89 40.34 87.90 112.43 38.61 195.96 | 87.49 | | DSS13 | 222.48 76.61 74.89 88.74 54.48 127.06 117.00 56.04 55.64 93.02 121.09 64.91 251.99 | 114.77 | | DSS65A | 120.44 168.07 112.34 70.92 193.86 181.68 64.35 79.16 203.02 255.34 77.52 533.82 | 213.26 | | FORTLEZA | 65.59 36.91 27.17 47.04 57.08 47.71 34.56 62.40 76.39 29.36 184.77 | 77.70 | | HART15M | 64.60 41.17 104.96 86.45 52.39 47.08 81.43 107.31 50.73 206.23 | 98.54 | | ISHIOKA | 60.93 114.65 80.45 - 62.53 64.74 83.24 44.69 152.28 | 81.05 | | KOGANEI | 70.67 51.98 - 41.07 41.51 52.68 30.77 97.93 | 54.94 | | KUNMING | 114.60 28.69 78.54 97.97 127.10 75.82 222.39 | 116.17 | | NYALES20 | 49.23 58.49 107.30 131.32 49.72 243.50 | 115.32 | | OHIGGINS | - 37.41 48.96 33.76 94.49 | 52.08 | | SEJONG | 46.00 58.91 37.29 110.66 | 59.40 | | WETTZ13N | 153.35 45.03 260.30 | 125.99 | | WETTZELL | 57.11 323.02 | 151.86 | | YARRA12M | 107.14 | 54.14 | | YEBES40M | | 257.60 | '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' scan observing durations: scan duration: 0- 99 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 100-199 | +++++++++++++++++++ 200-299 | +++++++ 300-399 | +++++ 400-499 | ++ 500-599 | +++ 600-699 | ++++ 700-799 | ++ 800-899 | ++ 900-999 | scheduled scan length: .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------. | S1-S2 | min 10% 50% 90% 95% 97.5% 99% max | sum average | |-------|---------------------------------------------------------|-----------------| | ALL | 30 36 90 526 642 787 845 900 | 224860 175.8 | |-------|---------------------------------------------------------|-----------------| | Ag-Sm | 296 296 341 398 398 398 398 596 | 2667 381.0 | | Ag-13 | 30 35 151 499 627 641 670 679 | 11124 227.0 | | Sm-13 | 30 34 71 213 272 309 600 637 | 7371 118.9 | | Ag-6a | 30 30 85 227 268 364 364 845 | 4496 121.5 | | Sm-6a | 30 30 56 222 317 600 600 637 | 13909 108.7 | | 13-6a | 30 30 51 120 172 205 268 653 | 10033 71.7 | | Ag-Ft | 147 190 304 619 843 874 874 895 | 17923 381.3 | | Sm-Ft | 59 119 284 545 583 587 600 633 | 17061 310.2 | | 13-Ft | 30 30 111 318 395 557 600 605 | 14565 151.7 | | 6a-Ft | 30 30 75 178 205 222 411 619 | 8043 92.4 | | Ag-Ht | 45 62 146 772 800 806 806 870 | 9725 270.1 | | Sm-Ht | 30 64 217 487 600 600 635 893 | 20774 253.3 | | 13-Ht | 30 30 44 138 155 218 218 309 | 1695 77.0 | | 6a-Ht | 30 30 73 181 225 315 600 616 | 15282 101.9 | | Ft-Ht | 30 50 141 288 426 431 514 681 | 9506 172.8 | | Sm-Is | 42 118 246 452 600 600 600 675 | 29421 269.9 | | 13-Is | 30 30 62 170 199 272 512 607 | 13167 90.8 | | 6a-Is | 30 30 56 209 377 608 615 619 | 12630 107.9 | | Ft-Is | 127 197 249 302 506 515 515 660 | 6926 277.0 | | Ht-Is | 30 54 176 399 527 618 636 636 | 15543 212.9 | | Sm-Kg | 44 130 317 591 600 607 619 675 | 36393 340.1 | | 13-Kg | 30 30 72 185 233 284 512 600 | 10996 102.8 | | 6a-Kg | 30 31 64 226 411 600 615 619 | 12152 118.0 | | Ft-Kg | 165 203 378 637 637 637 637 660 | 10212 425.5 | | Ht-Kg | 33 71 206 527 603 636 636 669 | 17032 258.1 | | Is-Kg | 30 38 105 315 437 549 625 794 | 51444 159.8 | | Sm-Km | 30 52 115 285 405 600 600 600 | 19119 154.2 | | 13-Km | 30 30 56 139 169 213 289 600 | 8956 78.6 | | 6a-Km | 30 30 54 133 185 600 615 619 | 14879 85.5 | | Ft-Km | 30 46 88 197 219 324 324 628 | 4277 125.8 | | Ht-Km | 30 31 92 245 374 600 615 629 | 15345 131.2 | | Is-Km | 30 30 70 212 292 428 615 629 | 29052 110.5 | | Kg-Km | 30 31 84 245 355 600 616 629 | 24305 130.0 | | Ag-Ny | 244 244 300 343 343 343 343 454 | 1341 335.2 | | Sm-Ny | 30 82 214 491 600 600 637 793 | 32590 250.7 | | 13-Ny | 30 30 66 184 240 294 512 660 | 13164 94.7 | | 6a-Ny | 30 30 58 163 268 600 616 653 | 16931 95.1 | | Ft-Ny | 34 76 214 441 471 514 585 637 | 12884 226.0 | | Ht-Ny | 36 90 169 491 544 618 636 636 | 16072 232.9 | | Is-Ny | 30 44 130 309 428 576 625 642 | 34522 170.9 | | Kg-Ny | 34 70 184 479 600 637 642 829 | 33610 221.1 | | Km-Ny | 30 36 82 219 303 613 628 845 | 23448 126.1 | | Ag-Oh | 167 275 522 674 801 828 866 878 | 24023 480.5 | | Sm-Oh | 282 282 335 395 395 395 395 633 | 3577 357.7 | | 13-Oh | 30 40 152 483 618 641 679 713 | 10699 232.6 | | 6a-Oh | 30 31 121 205 252 268 268 789 | 5167 136.0 | | Ft-Oh | 147 189 291 588 619 783 783 844 | 10479 338.0 | | Ht-Oh | 45 62 212 480 650 676 676 737 | 9387 240.7 | | Km-Oh | 86 86 104 104 104 104 104 719 | 909 303.0 | | Ny-Oh | 300 300 441 441 441 441 441 514 | 1255 418.3 | | Sm-Kv | 44 119 317 600 625 675 732 871 | 38527 356.7 | | 13-Kv | 30 30 88 199 272 512 600 660 | 9263 117.3 | | 6a-Kv | 30 30 64 268 600 615 619 653 | 12138 121.4 | | Ft-Kv | 276 324 605 787 787 787 787 787 | 14489 579.6 | | Ht-Kv | 34 95 230 544 603 624 626 635 | 16937 277.7 | | Is-Kv | 30 40 181 402 515 603 624 782 | 43478 203.2 | | Kg-Kv | 30 44 236 600 626 641 645 840 | 56690 275.2 | | Km-Kv | 30 34 98 270 383 600 615 628 | 23550 141.9 | | Ny-Kv | 41 82 208 520 626 667 780 865 | 32727 253.7 | | Ag-Wn | 122 171 253 519 536 536 536 814 | 6270 330.0 | | Sm-Wn | 38 101 206 330 483 600 600 607 | 29562 219.0 | | 13-Wn | 30 30 62 163 213 236 273 607 | 11370 88.1 | | 6a-Wn | 30 30 59 163 203 300 608 619 | 22542 87.7 | | Ft-Wn | 42 86 184 326 426 519 536 660 | 16128 206.8 | | Ht-Wn | 30 36 115 301 398 600 636 737 | 26408 162.0 | | Is-Wn | 30 56 143 291 331 607 646 661 | 27961 171.5 | | Kg-Wn | 41 76 171 326 419 600 646 664 | 26329 202.5 | | Km-Wn | 30 36 75 195 261 600 616 629 | 22383 111.4 | | Ny-Wn | 30 44 117 283 330 572 625 642 | 33403 149.1 | | Oh-Wn | 122 171 229 801 825 825 825 825 | 7282 331.0 | | Kv-Wn | 41 88 184 328 572 622 624 638 | 24902 211.0 | | Ag-Wz | 165 180 231 384 388 388 388 401 | 4177 261.1 | | Sm-Wz | 33 79 181 371 481 600 600 686 | 26779 210.9 | | 13-Wz | 30 30 60 156 216 255 256 600 | 10088 86.2 | | 6a-Wz | 30 30 54 161 192 279 608 619 | 21234 87.0 | | Ft-Wz | 30 75 179 320 384 401 426 660 | 13479 189.8 | | Ht-Wz | 30 33 105 323 441 527 618 636 | 24452 155.7 | | Is-Wz | 30 46 138 297 381 612 646 661 | 26024 163.7 | | Kg-Wz | 38 61 163 323 404 600 647 661 | 24286 191.2 | | Km-Wz | 30 33 78 179 245 600 616 629 | 20583 110.7 | | Ny-Wz | 30 41 100 256 371 600 637 686 | 31297 140.3 | | Oh-Wz | 165 185 223 499 507 507 507 550 | 5571 265.3 | | Kv-Wz | 31 71 174 331 600 624 626 686 | 22770 203.3 | | Wn-Wz | 30 33 77 237 320 404 600 661 | 53819 116.7 | | Ag-Yg | 645 645 645 645 645 645 645 645 | 645 645.0 | | Sm-Yg | 44 155 335 619 675 732 793 871 | 22524 375.4 | | 13-Yg | 30 30 94 302 324 512 512 660 | 3987 147.7 | | 6a-Yg | 30 30 73 315 608 615 616 653 | 7637 138.9 | | Ft-Yg | 189 189 245 426 426 426 426 551 | 2154 307.7 | | Ht-Yg | 30 57 155 527 603 636 726 800 | 27672 219.6 | | Is-Yg | 30 44 166 451 589 622 637 813 | 24833 208.7 | | Kg-Yg | 40 48 236 622 642 794 839 872 | 28379 301.9 | | Km-Yg | 30 40 93 251 459 613 616 719 | 18461 139.9 | | Ny-Yg | 43 117 220 709 786 796 829 829 | 16771 328.8 | | Oh-Yg | 237 237 384 754 754 754 754 858 | 5064 506.4 | | Kv-Yg | 40 132 359 655 782 807 829 887 | 32993 407.3 | | Wn-Yg | 38 83 174 419 607 622 637 640 | 14327 223.9 | | Wz-Yg | 34 74 165 481 622 637 640 686 | 13419 220.0 | | Ag-Ys | 123 139 199 288 307 328 328 493 | 4773 217.0 | | Sm-Ys | 30 74 200 489 591 600 600 637 | 30158 228.5 | | 13-Ys | 30 30 68 197 214 255 263 660 | 11083 98.1 | | 6a-Ys | 30 30 62 172 209 300 615 653 | 23693 90.8 | | Ft-Ys | 33 90 193 410 445 493 632 727 | 17600 212.0 | | Ht-Ys | 30 50 119 388 495 613 630 639 | 24039 174.2 | | Is-Ys | 34 64 176 318 426 613 630 633 | 23736 194.6 | | Kg-Ys | 47 82 185 496 600 630 632 638 | 25548 232.3 | | Km-Ys | 30 41 84 218 251 613 615 629 | 17938 122.0 | | Ny-Ys | 30 55 127 376 491 630 638 699 | 32912 175.1 | | Oh-Ys | 139 151 218 379 490 622 622 629 | 6879 254.8 | | Kv-Ys | 59 107 209 510 623 632 638 699 | 25601 251.0 | | Wn-Ys | 30 42 111 269 328 493 629 633 | 40404 141.3 | | Wz-Ys | 30 33 98 246 371 499 613 633 | 37280 133.1 | | Yg-Ys | 54 100 158 630 633 638 655 699 | 13057 261.1 | '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------' First Scans: .----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. | scan: no0000 (id: 2195271863) duration: 17:30:00 - 17:40:33 | | Source: 1749+096 (id: 253) type: calibrator single source scan | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | station | delay | slew | idle | preob | obs | duration | az [deg] | unaz [deg] | el [deg] | | | [s] | [s] | [s] | [s] | [s] | start - end | start - end | start - end | start - end | |--------------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|---------------------|---------------------|-----------------------|-------------------| | CRIMEA | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 600 | 17:30:00 - 17:40:00 | 124.2681 - 126.9820 | 484.2681 - 486.9820 | 41.8851 - 43.3411 | (id: 10826691208 and 10826721606) | DSS65A | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 600 | 17:30:00 - 17:40:00 | 91.0699 - 92.7152 | 451.0699 - 452.7152 | 16.2289 - 18.1361 | (id: 10826691211 and 10826721403) | HART15M | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 618 | 17:30:00 - 17:40:18 | 56.7899 - 54.7586 | 56.7899 - 54.7586 | 33.7075 - 35.6283 | (id: 10826691221 and 10826721473) | ISHIOKA | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 625 | 17:30:00 - 17:40:25 | 264.5813 - 266.1947 | 264.5813 - 266.1947 | 23.6911 - 21.5910 | (id: 10826691227 and 10826721539) | KOGANEI | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 633 | 17:30:00 - 17:40:33 | 264.3477 - 265.9695 | 264.3477 - 265.9695 | 24.3280 - 22.1883 | (id: 10826691231 and 10826722372) | KUNMING | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 616 | 17:30:00 - 17:40:16 | 247.1870 - 249.5679 | 607.1870 - 609.5679 | 57.4511 - 55.2830 | (id: 10826691237 and 10826724048) | NYALES20 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 633 | 17:30:00 - 17:40:33 | 117.1469 - 119.8078 | 477.1469 - 479.8078 | 14.8946 - 15.3409 | (id: 10826691239 and 10826724133) | SEJONG | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 603 | 17:30:00 - 17:40:03 | 255.7549 - 257.5567 | 255.7549 - 257.5567 | 33.8793 - 31.9094 | (id: 10826691244 and 10826724942) | WETTZ13N | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 625 | 17:30:00 - 17:40:25 | 107.3757 - 109.6353 | 107.3757 - 109.6353 | 26.8702 - 28.4900 | (id: 10826691246 and 10826725144) | WETTZELL | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 629 | 17:30:00 - 17:40:29 | 107.3760 - 109.6503 | 467.3760 - 469.6503 | 26.8697 - 28.4998 | (id: 10826691252 and 10826725216) | YARRA12M | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 622 | 17:30:00 - 17:40:22 | 306.6544 - 304.5483 | 306.6544 - 304.5483 | 33.4698 - 31.6225 | (id: 10826691255 and 10826727553) | YEBES40M | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 613 | 17:30:00 - 17:40:13 | 91.8614 - 93.5558 | 451.8614 - 453.5558 | 17.1114 - 19.0560 | (id: 10826691258 and 10826728548) |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | scan: no0001 (id: 2197043981) duration: 17:30:00 - 17:33:44 | | Source: 0648-165 (id: 96) type: fillin mode single source scan | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | DSS13 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 224 | 17:30:00 - 17:33:44 | 152.1169 - 153.1057 | 512.1169 - 513.1057 | 33.2963 - 33.6479 | (id: 10836500512 and 10836505817) | OHIGGINS | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 224 | 17:30:00 - 17:33:44 | 316.3904 - 315.3237 | 316.3904 - 315.3237 | 37.5323 - 37.2396 | (id: 10836500525 and 10836505838) |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | scan: no0002 (id: 2195302473) duration: 17:34:54 - 17:39:37 | | Source: 0454-234 (id: 69) type: target single source scan | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | AGGO | 6 | 13 | 205 | 10 | 283 | 17:34:54 - 17:39:37 | 263.3161 - 262.7173 | 263.3161 - 262.7173 | 33.7234 - 32.7606 | (id: 10826874109 and 10826886557) | DSS13 | 6 | 76 | 142 | 10 | 204 | 17:34:54 - 17:38:18 | 185.9007 - 186.8099 | 545.9007 - 546.8099 | 31.1394 - 31.0624 | (id: 10826874111 and 10826887320) | FORTLEZA | 6 | 218 | 0 | 10 | 240 | 17:34:54 - 17:38:54 | 246.8972 - 246.8755 | 606.8972 - 606.8755 | 7.1599 - 6.2397 | (id: 10826874118 and 10826887347) | OHIGGINS | 6 | 114 | 104 | 10 | 283 | 17:34:54 - 17:39:37 | 282.0213 - 280.8991 | 282.0213 - 280.8991 | 32.1890 - 31.6687 | (id: 10826874127 and 10826887455) |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Last Scans: .----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. | scan: no1276 (id: 2197021083) duration: 17:28:34 - 17:30:00 | | Source: 0642+449 (id: 94) type: target single source scan | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | DSS65A | 6 | 86 | 4 | 10 | 86 | 17:28:34 - 17:30:00 | 307.0838 - 307.2321 | 307.0838 - 307.2321 | 27.2555 - 27.0375 | (id: 10836363257 and 10836400595) | NYALES20 | 6 | 46 | 30 | 10 | 86 | 17:28:34 - 17:30:00 | 295.6768 - 296.0034 | 295.6768 - 296.0034 | 40.8650 - 40.8029 | (id: 10836363274 and 10836400611) | WETTZ13N | 6 | 16 | 48 | 10 | 86 | 17:28:34 - 17:30:00 | 312.3691 - 312.5724 | -47.6309 - -47.4276 | 23.4061 - 23.2327 | (id: 10836363291 and 10836400631) | WETTZELL | 6 | 17 | 52 | 10 | 86 | 17:28:34 - 17:30:00 | 312.3686 - 312.5719 | 312.3686 - 312.5719 | 23.4070 - 23.2336 | (id: 10836363295 and 10836400643) | YEBES40M | 6 | 43 | 0 | 10 | 86 | 17:28:34 - 17:30:00 | 307.5273 - 307.6777 | 307.5273 - 307.6777 | 26.6104 - 26.3940 | (id: 10836363305 and 10836400657) |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | scan: no1277 (id: 2197029877) duration: 17:29:03 - 17:30:00 | | Source: 2255-282 (id: 318) type: target single source scan | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ISHIOKA | 6 | 30 | 71 | 10 | 57 | 17:29:03 - 17:30:00 | 171.8750 - 172.1063 | 171.8750 - 172.1063 | 25.4546 - 25.4814 | (id: 10836417272 and 10836424012) | KOGANEI | 6 | 47 | 0 | 10 | 57 | 17:29:03 - 17:30:00 | 171.1294 - 171.3611 | 531.1294 - 531.3611 | 25.8603 - 25.8898 | (id: 10836417281 and 10836424024) | SEJONG | 6 | 51 | 2 | 10 | 57 | 17:29:03 - 17:30:00 | 159.7257 - 159.9423 | 519.7257 - 519.9423 | 22.5934 - 22.6594 | (id: 10836417287 and 10836424039) |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | scan: no1278 (id: 2197034105) duration: 17:29:09 - 17:30:00 | | Source: 3C418 (id: 286) type: target single source scan | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | DSS13 | 6 | 58 | 67 | 10 | 51 | 17:29:09 - 17:30:00 | 331.0589 - 331.1627 | 691.0589 - 691.1627 | 7.2057 - 7.1216 | (id: 10836439320 and 10836453832) | KUNMING | 6 | 72 | 53 | 10 | 51 | 17:29:09 - 17:30:00 | 14.4883 - 14.2204 | 734.4883 - 734.2204 | 62.3929 - 62.4408 | (id: 10836439332 and 10836453843) | YARRA12M | 6 | 36 | 0 | 10 | 51 | 17:29:09 - 17:30:00 | 358.8345 - 358.6997 | 358.8345 - 358.6997 | 9.5452 - 9.5412 | (id: 10836439996 and 10836453861) |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| .------------------------------------------. | sun position: | earth velocity: | |----------------------|-------------------| | RA: 07h 40m 09.49s | x: 26948 [m/s] | | DEC: +21° 26' 31.67" | y: 10527 [m/s] | | | z: 4563 [m/s] | '------------------------------------------' .--------------------------------------------------------------------. | earth nutation: | | time | X Y S | |---------------------|----------------------------------------------| | 2020.07.14 17:30:00 | +1.963219e-03 -4.188692e-06 -7.403203e-09 | | 2020.07.14 18:30:00 | +1.963229e-03 -4.192322e-06 -7.399667e-09 | | 2020.07.14 19:30:00 | +1.963239e-03 -4.195997e-06 -7.396087e-09 | | 2020.07.14 20:30:00 | +1.963250e-03 -4.199714e-06 -7.392466e-09 | | 2020.07.14 21:30:00 | +1.963260e-03 -4.203472e-06 -7.388806e-09 | | 2020.07.14 22:30:00 | +1.963271e-03 -4.207267e-06 -7.385108e-09 | | 2020.07.14 23:30:00 | +1.963282e-03 -4.211099e-06 -7.381376e-09 | | 2020.07.15 00:30:00 | +1.963293e-03 -4.214964e-06 -7.377612e-09 | | 2020.07.15 01:30:00 | +1.963304e-03 -4.218861e-06 -7.373816e-09 | | 2020.07.15 02:30:00 | +1.963315e-03 -4.222786e-06 -7.369993e-09 | | 2020.07.15 03:30:00 | +1.963327e-03 -4.226739e-06 -7.366144e-09 | | 2020.07.15 04:30:00 | +1.963338e-03 -4.230716e-06 -7.362272e-09 | | 2020.07.15 05:30:00 | +1.963350e-03 -4.234714e-06 -7.358378e-09 | | 2020.07.15 06:30:00 | +1.963362e-03 -4.238733e-06 -7.354465e-09 | | 2020.07.15 07:30:00 | +1.963374e-03 -4.242769e-06 -7.350535e-09 | | 2020.07.15 08:30:00 | +1.963386e-03 -4.246820e-06 -7.346592e-09 | | 2020.07.15 09:30:00 | +1.963398e-03 -4.250883e-06 -7.342636e-09 | | 2020.07.15 10:30:00 | +1.963411e-03 -4.254956e-06 -7.338671e-09 | | 2020.07.15 11:30:00 | +1.963423e-03 -4.259037e-06 -7.334699e-09 | | 2020.07.15 12:30:00 | +1.963436e-03 -4.263123e-06 -7.330722e-09 | | 2020.07.15 13:30:00 | +1.963448e-03 -4.267212e-06 -7.326743e-09 | | 2020.07.15 14:30:00 | +1.963461e-03 -4.271301e-06 -7.322764e-09 | | 2020.07.15 15:30:00 | +1.963475e-03 -4.275387e-06 -7.318788e-09 | | 2020.07.15 16:30:00 | +1.963488e-03 -4.279469e-06 -7.314817e-09 | | 2020.07.15 17:30:00 | +1.963501e-03 -4.283543e-06 -7.310853e-09 | | 2020.07.15 18:30:00 | +1.963515e-03 -4.287608e-06 -7.306899e-09 | '--------------------------------------------------------------------' ================================================================================================================================================ FULL SCHEDULING SETUP ================================================================================================================================================ Can be used to recreate schedule: VieSched++ GUI cde98f5214513c0602e850ac9448555f5c440c26 Matthias Schartner matthias.schartner@geo.tuwien.ac.at T2140 2020.07.14 17:30:00 2020.07.15 17:30:00 true 150 1 true 2 300 true true true __all__ AGGO OHIGGINS YARRA12M KOGANEI FORTLEZA SEJONG CRIMEA ISHIOKA HART15M WETTZ13N NYALES20 WETTZELL KUNMING DSS13 YEBES40M DSS65A start info info true IVS-T2140 VIEN BONN Matthias Schartner matthias.schartner@geo.tuwien.ac.at +43 (1) 58801 - 128 11 Technische Universitaet Wien, Austria Christian Ploetz christian.ploetz@bkg.bund.de Geodatisches Observatorium Wettzell, Germany Purpose\n=======\nGeneral the purpose of the IVS-T2 sessions is to monitor the TRF\nvia monthly sessions.\nSince April 2004 the purpose of the remaining IVS-T2 sessions\nhas been changed by the IVS OPC (Observing Program Committee).\nThe new plan uses larger networks for each T2 session,\nsay 16 to 24 stations, but have fewer T2 sessions during the year.\nThe larger network should provide a stronger solution and better TRF results,\neven if there are fewer sessions each year.\n\nThe TRF determine from single session solutions or from a global\nsolution is very important IVS product because this is an\nessential part for creating the ITRF by corresponding IERS Product Center.\nA particular strength of VLBI is its contribution to the scale\nof the ITRF. Usually the TRF is computed from the 24h sessions\nthat are dedicated to observing the EOP.\n\nNetwork\n=======\nThe standard configuration of the monthly observed IVS-T2\nexperiments consists of sixteen and more stations. All stations\ndiffer in some extent between all available IVS geodetic\nnetwork stations from experiment to experiment.\n\nSchedule\n========\nThis schedule was generated by the last updated VieSched++ version\nusing the EUR-SX band and the 64-16(EU-T2) EURSX-C-4 frequency setup,\ndepending on which station are available for this observation.\nVariable scan lengths with a minimum 30 sec. and the most recent\nsource flux models are included. SNR goals are around 20 at X-band\nand S-band depent on different baselines and stations. true true false true /data-write/HG/mschartn/VieVS/VLBI/DATA/SCHED/20200707103601_T2140/ true true false true false false ./AUTO_DOWNLOAD_CATALOGS/antenna.cat ./AUTO_DOWNLOAD_CATALOGS/equip.cat ./AUTO_DOWNLOAD_CATALOGS/flux.cat ./AUTO_DOWNLOAD_CATALOGS/freq.cat ./AUTO_DOWNLOAD_CATALOGS/hdpos.cat ./AUTO_DOWNLOAD_CATALOGS/loif.cat ./AUTO_DOWNLOAD_CATALOGS/mask.cat ./AUTO_DOWNLOAD_CATALOGS/modes.cat ./AUTO_DOWNLOAD_CATALOGS/position.cat ./AUTO_DOWNLOAD_CATALOGS/rec.cat ./AUTO_DOWNLOAD_CATALOGS/rx.cat ./AUTO_DOWNLOAD_CATALOGS/source.cat.geodetic.good ./AUTO_DOWNLOAD_CATALOGS/tracks.cat __all__ default hard WETTZELL down 2020.07.14 18:20:00 2020.07.14 19:40:00 hard OHIGGINS down 2020.07.14 20:39:00 2020.07.14 21:00:00 hard OHIGGINS down 2020.07.14 22:12:00 2020.07.14 22:37:00 hard OHIGGINS down 2020.07.14 23:46:00 2020.07.15 00:10:00 hard OHIGGINS down 2020.07.15 01:21:00 2020.07.15 01:42:00 hard OHIGGINS down 2020.07.15 05:57:00 2020.07.15 06:18:00 hard OHIGGINS down 2020.07.15 07:29:00 2020.07.15 07:52:00 hard OHIGGINS down 2020.07.15 09:02:00 2020.07.15 09:27:00 hard OHIGGINS down 2020.07.15 10:38:00 2020.07.15 11:00:00 hard 1 1 1 30 900 0 1200 175 0 1200 5 9999 999999 10 3 6 0 5 5 0 0 __all__ default hard 1 1 1 0 4 0 9999 3 1200 0.05 999 __all__ default hard low_sensitivity lowSNR hard high_sensitivity highSNR hard 0 0 9999 1 0 9999 20 25 0 9999 17 22 Sm-13 Sm-6a Sm-Ht Sm-Is Sm-Km Sm-Ny Sm-Wn Sm-Wz Sm-Ys 13-6a 13-Ht 13-Is 13-Km 13-Ny 13-Wn 13-Wz 13-Ys 6a-Ht 6a-Is 6a-Km 6a-Ny 6a-Wn 6a-Wz 6a-Ys Ht-Is Ht-Km Ht-Ny Ht-Wn Ht-Wz Ht-Ys Is-Km Is-Ny Is-Wn Is-Wz Is-Ys Km-Ny Km-Wn Km-Wz Km-Ys Ny-Wn Ny-Wz Ny-Ys Wn-Wz Wn-Ys Wz-Ys Ag-Sm Ag-13 Ag-6a Ag-Ft Ag-Ht Ag-Is Ag-Kg Ag-Km Ag-Ny Ag-Oh Ag-Kv Ag-Wn Ag-Wz Ag-Yg Ag-Ys Sm-Oh 13-Oh 6a-Oh Ft-Oh Ht-Oh Is-Oh Kg-Oh Km-Oh Ny-Oh Oh-Kv Oh-Wn Oh-Wz Oh-Yg Oh-Ys Sm-Yg 13-Yg 6a-Yg Ft-Yg Ht-Yg Is-Yg Kg-Yg Km-Yg Ny-Yg Kv-Yg Wn-Yg Wz-Yg Yg-Ys Sm-Kg 13-Kg 6a-Kg Ft-Kg Ht-Kg Is-Kg Kg-Km Kg-Ny Kg-Kv Kg-Wn Kg-Wz Kg-Ys Sm-Ft 13-Ft 6a-Ft Ft-Ht Ft-Is Ft-Km Ft-Ny Ft-Kv Ft-Wn Ft-Wz Ft-Ys Sm-Kv 13-Kv 6a-Kv Ht-Kv Is-Kv Km-Kv Ny-Kv Kv-Wn Kv-Wz Kv-Ys 30 3600 0 cosine cosine 1 1 1 1 300 and 10 10 3 30 __all__ 3 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 3 600 true 10 120 10 2.5 0.5 10 2 manual 60 guided 0 64-16(EU-T2) 20 required 0 required 15 required 0 required 0 3 600 __all__ 84000 3 600 __all__ 1000 17.68 1 50 1.8 2000 200 2 8 0 150 24 0.0001 24 0.0001 24 0.0001 24 0.0001 24 0.0001 WETTZELL true true true true 60 1.3 30 1.5 180 0.050000000000000003 180 0.050000000000000003 3 5 25 __none__ __all__ 70 0.75 2.5 0.20000000000000001 0.20000000000000001 0.20000000000000001 0.20000000000000001 0.20000000000000001 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16